- 2010
- Several huge space stations are built in near Earth orbit which
house populations from uncontaminated areas of the planet. The Korhonen
keep their distance but one station experiences recurring power failures
due to 'unspecified external interference'.
- 2025
- 5 Moonbases are constructed in order to begin extracting minerals from the moon,
moonbase 3 is destroyed in a reactor meltdown shortly after completion, later
admitted by the Korhonen to be sabotage
- 2038
- First man on Mars lands in Hellas Planitia
- Korhonen begin moving forces along Valles Marineris
- 2039 to 2040
- September 20:
The Korhonen ships emerge from Valles Marineris and attack the newly built
colony in Hellas Planitia. Everything is destroyed.
- Earth declares war on the Korhonen. Despite the new technologies
developed by the military the Earth forces are massively outnumbered and out-gunned
- 16 Million humans die in weeks
- A Mogensen fleet enters Sol near Earth. The Mogensen turn the tide against the Korhonen
who are driven off Earth and Mars and the Korhonen colony in Noctis Labyrinthus is
completely destroyed.
- Mogensen assist Earth in building colonies on Mars and the Moon. They exchange
technology in return for mining rights in the Asteroid belt and on Ganymede for the
next 200 years. Only Hyperspace technology and some propulsion and weapons technology
along with basic scientific training is eventually forthcoming.
- 2041
- April 7:
The Earth Assembly is formed including members from all the remaining
sociopolitical groups on Earth. Plans are drawn up to rebuild as much of the surface
of Earth as is habitable and to use new technologies to accelerate the
recovery of damaged areas. 4 Mars colonies are also considered along with a Mars
orbiting station to follow soon after.
- The Mogensen provide technology for colony domes and digging equipment which allows work
which would have take 5 years to be done in 1
- 2042
- March 5:
Mars 2 and Mars 3, located in Sini Planum are opened. The first colonists
are flown in on the 8 of May.
- June 23:
Mars City, built in the shadow of Olympus Mons, opens.
- August 3
Construction work begins on New Moscow, New Detroit and New London.
- 2102
- First interstellar colony ships leave Earth space with a heavy escort of Earth battleships and
Mogensen craft. Colonies set up on Proxima Centauri 5
- 2108
- First Elarien contact. They immediately take a dislike to humans who are
the only race which seem to be able to out-haggle them.
- Earth introduced to a number of races but the Elarien and Mogensen.
- Large amounts of technical and scientific knowledge is exchanged,
so much in fact that the Human race gains knowledge that would otherwise have taken centuries.
- 2115
- First Human/ Ovaska contact.
- The Vaipen and Ovaska close their borders and withdraw all but a few ambassadors
- 2156
- October 8:
Earth is founder member of the Galactic Assembly.
- 2204
- Earth ships attacked in hyperspace by an unknown alien. Only 2 ships survive
out of a convoy of 50.
- 2240
- The Galactic Assembly moves to a new home in a station orbiting
Delta Eridanus 4, controlled by earth but funded by all the member races
See Also: Big Bang to 4 BC,
4 BC to 2000 AD,